No matter the quality of the home, creating a community requires more than bricks and mortar – it takes over 30 years of understanding how to create a close and thriving community. It takes Connekt.
Whether it’s a precinct of a few dozen townhouses, or a master-planned development of hundreds of homes, Connekt has recognised that people really love where they live when they’re part of a community. For example:
Architecture and home design are responsible for one of the strongest bonds for a community. While colours and styling might seem somewhat superficial, the look of the homes is the most obvious and common aspect.
Nobody really likes a cookie-cutter design to a neighbourhood. However, there often needs to be common floorplans. So, at Connekt, whenever possible, we always advocate variation in the home façades. This might include the use of different materials, a range of textures and complementary colours – while maintaining the overall community look and feel.
Whether it’s walking the dog or the bub in the stroller, green spaces bring people together. And where there was once a community noticeboard of events, we now have social media and smart phones. This is also the way neighbourhood groups expand beyond the people next door. And when this happens, a community begins to build.
It simply stands to reason that when the faces that live around you are familiar, unfamiliar faces stand out. Whether there is an official Neighbourhood Watch group or not, a close and connected community provides a sense of security – which also deters potential wrong-doers.
The wellbeing of community members also plays a part. When you know and recognise the people around you, it’s natural to ask how each other is feeling, and perhaps share remedies for ailments. It is simply human nature to watch out for each other, especially when you know each other.
When you belong to a neighbourhood community, you obviously share the common spaces and recreation facilities. However, you share a lot more. You share the lighting around your homes and the condition of the gardens. You share the local train station and bus routes. You actually also share the local stores and churches. You don’t own them, but you share them – which means you have all of these bonds in common. And it’s these bonds that form a community.
Is quality of life. Forget the financial side of this. True quality of life comes from feeling happy, healthy and safe. And as we’ve just mentioned – that’s exactly what being part of a close and connected community can provide.
And it’s one of our roles at Connekt to help make communities happen. To inspire developers with ideas around social integration and ways that will bring people together. To encourage investors to think about the people and not only the profits. And to work with and support government in ways to create and promote community spirit and wellbeing. A challenge that Connekt has been deeply involved in for the past 30 years.
To discuss this or any aspect of residential and urban development, please Connekt with our Sales Team at